Universal Standard

Campaign Creative

The Project

Making Your Vote a Universal Standard

Our votes represent more than our own values, needs, and desires, but also those of our community.  For this campaign, we showed the big impact of one vote by asking three artists who they were voting for. Instead of sharing a politician on the ballot, they captured a community of people that would be impacted by their choice to vote. Through this optimistic lens of cause and effect, we inspired people to show up at the polls by recognizing that a voice of one can effect the good for many.


Key Insight Analysis

Concept Development

Creative Direction

Art Direction and Design

Franchise Naming and Positioning

Community Development

Project Team

Monica Nelson

Natalee Ranii-Dropcho

Liz Cornine

Océane Combeau

Kevin Kearney

Phil Leif Bjerknes

Produced by

19th and Park

Tahira White

Artesia Balthrop

Octavia Pride


Grace Bukunmi

Natalia Mantini

June Canedo

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